High Tech - Radiation Proof Underwear
I can think of something better, what about leak-proof underwear? Emmm, not good. Maybe smell/stink free underwear for me, since I like to wear the same one for weeks. Well, girls said they like it.
The press is all over the growing fears about WiFi and mobile phone radiation, with newspapers and cheap ITV mini-series' hyping it all up beyond reason. Still, if you're one of the cautious, wealthy few who still loves to look good beneath your clothes then salvation may be at hand.
Developed by Swiss designers, the Slipways underwear range is made with threads of silver to help fend off harmful radiation from devices such as mobile phones.
The Slipways briefs are said to be so effective that any phone calls made in the confines of the underwear will completely fail to connect, though why anybody would try to make a phone call from within a pair of Swiss briefs is beyond us.
Apparently 4000 pairs have been hammered out thus far, each of which will sell for around $24 USD (around £15), though there's little detail on when paranoid tin-foil hat wearing fools can expect their metallic underwear to thud onto the market on an International level.
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